My name is Nicole and I am from a very far
away country in Europe, the country of Count Dracula, Romania in modern time.

In ancient times, his castle was at the
border between Wallachia and Transylvania, the land of green forests
and blue
lakes -Trans-Sylvania, “beyond the forest”.
Since I was a child, I was fascinated
about the historical tales with queens and kings, templars and crusades. It was
like I was born in that time, and I let my feelings fly in the future. It is
like a smell of that medieval time in which you will hear all the time the
melodies of Green Sleeves.
I was fascinated to watch movies from that
time, to see the habits, the way in which people dressed, eat, sleep, travel,
what they did for a living and also the way in which they spent their free
I always loved to see nice palaces and
houses, the old taverns, fancy dresses and fantastic food, not only the
etiquette of high society but also all other people.
We all have in our heart and soul a refugee and in both
good and bad time, we think it is like a dream that keeps you alive. It is like
a flame that gives you the power to act and to all the fantastic things that
you only saw in your dreams.
And then the question appears, it’s only a
dream or can it just come true? It is a ghost, a Fata Morgana
(Morgana Girl) and you repeat and say: " No, it’s my dream and I
will change the dream into reality." And I did it indeed.
I was born in Bucharest, Romania in 1963, during the communism time and
I grew up with all the problems of that time. I remember all good and bad
moments of the regime, without hot water, electricity, television, only the
main channel in which all the time appeared the dictator, Ceausescu. I remember
how long we had to wait to buy things because all was rationalized by the
You had money but nothing to buy. Yes, it
happened. Maybe you believe or not.
It is a big part of my life, school,
high school, marriage, job, first and real friends, and last but not at least,
my daughter Alex, all of this throughout communism time.
And then, BOOM! It was December, 1989 and
we thought our lives would change so much. This was the date when the dictator
was killed, and for the first time Romania wasn’t under Russian influence.
People were happy and democracy appeared
in Romania like a white horse. Now, in this time, a lot of people asked if it
was good or not to take this big step. So many lives changed in a moment for
good or bad.
Yes, we started to have many political
parties, not only the communist one. We had free elections, a lot of products
as well as newspapers, TV channels, color TV, Internet, DVD, expensive cars,
And of course the rich ones became richer
and the poor ones, poorer. Now there are many things to buy but there is no
money. So now you have all, but the problem was the money.
It is difficult to be old, and with health
problems in Romania. It is also difficult to have a child with problems but
what we earned was freedom.
Freedom to speak, to help people. The
media helped some people to solve their problems.
So, the world changed, maybe not that
much, but at least we made some progress and there is still a lot of work to
Romania has a lot of intelligent and hard
working people (many international IT prices, Mathematics and more) who
started to be tired of the democratic govern who speaks pretty much but do not
too much.

I graduated from high school and had a
degree in History and Geography. All the time I liked to know all about these
After this, I started to work at the
Ministry of Tourism. I liked my job very much, all day speaking English with
customers and companies and trying to solve all problems. All the time
customers were my priority.

I was so proud of me, and again I worked with the customers front office more than 21 years. I knew their families, their children, we became like relatives. It was a fantastic time and I was so full of emotions. Thus, I had only three jobs during 31 years. Only three jobs during 31 years because I was too attached to them, to the colleagues, to the boss, to the customers. It is fantastic when you see that you are appreciated for your effort, you give a part from your heart to all of them. This means that you really care.
Because of my job I got a beautiful
connection with people, it is amazing.
One day, when I was solving an issue from
a branch of our bank, I called abroad where the international support center
was, and I really found a fantastic person, a real friend, a hard working
person who helped me in very short time to solve the problems of our customers.
And in this way I started a new chapter of
my life. In that moment, I met my best friend from Costa Rica, Siang Prat Gomez. If somebody had predicted to me
that one day I would leave far away from Romania,
I would have said immediately, "No way, you are joking, I cannot believe
it." It is true, that call changed all my life, and my vision of life. It
is like when you are a child and someone asks you, "What you want to do
when you will grow up?" This happened with me.
I invited Siang to come to Romania to see
the country of Dracula, with castles, with medieval cities (Brasov, Sighisoara,
Cluj, Medias) with Wild Carpathians, with Danube Delta, with Black Sea, Unesco
Monasteries from Bucovina (Moldovita, Sucevita, Humor, Voronet, Putna, Agapia).
There are a lot of nice places to see but
also it is still a lot to invest for the country to get the high level of
other European capitals. Examples are Prague and Oslo,
where they give a lot of importance to the tourism and make nice and good
investments on tourism.

All the time when we visited other places
in Romania, we stayed in touristic boarding houses for Siang to receive the
nice welcome from the hosts because these are Romanian people, warm and kind to
receive people.

I came back to Romania and I started to build this dream step
by step in order to be prepared when the moment would come. Also Siang started
to do the same in Costa Rica.
In that moment, I realized that we have a
fantastic dream and we must do everything to succeed.
So, I went back to Romania and I started
my preparation.
I took all from zero. Of course,
that everybody thinks they know to do all very well, even what is regarding
No way, nothing like this. Indeed, something is cooking at home
and another is cooking at a restaurant. So, I started. I took many courses of
chef, a lot of theory and also practice. But if I promised myself that I would
do it, I did after my work days, each day in a restaurant or at the schools. It
was hard work but I learned a lot and I had many well prepared and known
This is me, this is Nicoleta.
I am a food blogger, (top 60 in Romania) and since I started my preparation I had a lot of events in my life.also a lot of receipe appeared in gastronomic magazine in Romania like:
This is me, this is Nicoleta.
I am a food blogger, (top 60 in Romania) and since I started my preparation I had a lot of events in my life.also a lot of receipe appeared in gastronomic magazine in Romania like:
I was elected between last 50
participants in Masterchef Romania, first edition, out of 3000 people. I
was on gastronomic tv-show ”Euforia Cuisine” with Executive Chef
Cezar Munteanu. Also at B1TV on “Salt in the Food” preparing a fantastic Red
Onion Chutney.
I was elected in last 8 performances in Maggi Academy:,,,,,,,,,
I had a food demonstration at “Bucharest
Food Festival” in 2010, with my soul recipe “Tochitura lu’ tanti Florica”. I
prepared very famous recipes: Beef Wellington, Tornedou Rossini and Caesar
Salad. This recipe is mine and it is a legacy from my grandfather who had a
restaurant in 1940's in Romania and this recipe was all the time prepared
there. With this recipe I won a lot of prizes and also I appeared in food
magazines and books of gastronomy. Demonstation at Bucharest Food Festival
and also i gave some interviews:,
If you will be one day our guest you
will want to taste this dish, be sure you will not regret it.
Also in the menu you will find a lot of
fantastic dishes with Romanian and medieval influence.
Not to mention the fact that you will be
able to eat the food with your hands, just like in the medieval times.
Siang will prepare delicious cocktail from
exotic fruits.
You will enjoy one of the most exotic and
delicious coffees in the world: Costa Rican coffee.
So we both, the owners of the hostel, are
preparing to wait for you in our hostel. You will receive a warm and
exceptional treatment. All the time you will have a friend to help you.
This is the reason why our hostel is a small one, only for 10 people, to give
all full attention that all and each of our guests deserve. We are here for
Siang & Nicole
Transilvania hostel & catering Events
506-710.280.92 506-881.587.16 506-470.053.69
Transilvania hostel & catering Events
506-710.280.92 506-881.587.16 506-470.053.69